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Olive Days

Lučica Soline

Gastronomic event “Olive Days”
The event “Olive Days” as the first event in Croatia in which foreign and domestic tourists participate in olive harvest, has been continuously organized since 1996. At its beginnings it was a tourist event organized in order to extend the tourist season.

Today the project covers several events: art exhibition in gallery “Toš” on the topic of the landscape and olive groves; selling exhibition of tool and equipment for olive growing; selling exhibitions of autochthonous products (olive oil, goat and sheep cheese, honey, wine, fig brandy) from the island of Krk and neighbouring islands. The emphasis is on olive oil and products with label “Croatian Island Product”.

In cooperation with Advisory Center- Rijeka professional education is organized with presentations and oil tastings for olive growers, restaurateurs and cooks in order to teach them how to properly use and present the olive oil.

There is also a culinary competition, i.e. gastronomic promenade through Punat restaurants- “ZLATNA MASLINA” (Golden Olive). Local wines and traditional dishes are matched, all in order to popularize the use of olive oil in everyday meals, in restaurants but also at home. In cooperation with restaurants, hotels and oil mill olive harvesting is organized with expert guidance through the process of production of virgin olive oil through cold pressing. The guidance is organized for participants of all ages, from children to elderly foreign tourists.

The event usually finishes with entertaining program in the open. For the past couple of years there is the “Culinary- Journalist Cup”, a competition in preparation of lamb stew (zvacet) or venison with olives, with homemade pasta (šurlice) or polenta with olives.

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